抹茶ミルクジャム Matcha milk spread


Matcha milk spread



It can be stored in the refrigerator for a couple of days.

Flatten it in a food storage bag, and you can also store in the freezer for a while.

It goes well with sweet red bean paste and macadama nuis.

<作りやすい分量> The best amount



 40cc heavy cream


 2g matcha green tea powder


●生クリーム ………80 cc

 80cc heavy cream


 50cc milk


 1 tablespoon granulated sugar


 10g butter


 Pinch of salt

◇作り方◇ How to make

① シェイカーに、Aの生クリーム→抹茶の順で加え、フタを閉めてシェイクし、フライパン(焦げにくい加工がしてあるタイプがおすすめ)に流す。

② ①のフライパンにBを全て入れ、弱火でじっくり火にかける。



1. Put in order from the heavy cream of 'A' to the marche powder of 'A' into a

shaker and shake it, and then pour them into a frying pan (The best way is using

a type of the pan that is not easy to burn on.)

 2. Pour all of 'B' into the same frying pan, and cook them thoroughly over low heat.

 While you stir them to concentrate on the bottom and edge of the pan, boil down them slowly until they're dripping when you lift them with a rubber spatula.

3. Once they're cooled down, you're done!


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